79 Devine Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95110


Why You Need a Lawyer for a Slip and Fall Case

 Posted on July 12, 2023 in Personal Injury

San Jose, CA personal injury lawyerSlip and fall cases can be difficult to win. Insurance companies take a very cautious approach to these claims because they see so many of them. They will often be suspicious of your claim, even when you have evidence that backs up your story. Here are three reasons why you need a lawyer in your slip and fall case.

You Need Evidence to Prove Your Case

To win a slip and fall case, you must prove that the property owner was negligent. Negligence means that the property owner either created the dangerous conditions themselves, or they failed to take action within a reasonable amount of time after they knew or should have known of the danger. The insurance company is not going to take your word for it when you claim that their policyholder caused your injuries. You must have evidence that backs up your claim, whether it is physical evidence or witness testimony. The other party will likely have evidence to dispute your claim, and an attorney can help you cast doubt on this evidence. 

The Insurance Company Is Going to Minimize Your Injuries

The insurance company is likely going to claim that the incident did not happen,that any injuries sustained are not as serious as you claim, or that it happened exclusively because of your own actions. Yet they know full well that falls can be very serious. Common slip-and-fall injuries include: 

  • Sprains

  • Muscle strains 

  • Neck and back injuries

  • Broken bones

  • Severe bruising and contusions

  • Hip fracture and dislocation

  • Ruined personal property 

Insurance companies have a financial interest in minimizing your injuries so they can avoid paying you the full amount that you deserve. A lawyer can help you prove your case in a persuasive manner that could get you compensated.

The Insurance Company Needs to Take You Seriously

If you approach the insurance company on your own, they will not fear you in any way and may even try to intimidate you or get you to settle for an apology. Lawsuits are the language that they understand because court cases cost them money. Without an attorney, the insurance company knows that you cannot do much about their behavior. When they see that you have a lawyer, they will take notice and treat you differently than they would a self-represented claimant. 

Contact a San Jose Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall accident, you need legal representation immediately after your injury. The Fuller Law Firm can get to work right away to gather the evidence that you need to prove your case. Call our Fremont, CA personal injury attorney today at 408-234-7563 to schedule your free initial consultation. 



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