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3 Common Causes of Car Accidents in California

 Posted on October 08,2020 in Car Accident

Alameda County personal injury attorney car accident

Getting into a car accident can have devastating consequences for anyone riding in the vehicles involved. According to estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 36,000 people are killed in car accidents in the United States each year, and some 4 million more are injured enough to seek emergency medical treatment. Whenever a person gets into a car, he or she is taking a risk. Drivers can lessen the risk of an accident by taking steps to avoid some of the behaviors that are known to cause traffic crashes. There are many things that can trigger a car accident, but some causes are much more common than others.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become a more serious problem every year. Having the world at our fingertips on a cell phone has made it more tempting than ever to take your eyes away from the road. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that 1.6 million crashes each year are caused by drivers who are distracted by their cell phones. In fact, cell phones are so dangerous that more than one in four crashes involve a driver using his or her phone. Other distractions such as passenger conversations, eating, drinking, putting on makeup, or brushing hair create additional dangers.

Drunk Driving

If a person has over a 0.08 percent blood alcohol content (BAC) and he or she gets behind the wheel, that person is driving drunk, according to California law. For some people, impairment starts well below the 0.08 legal limit, and impaired drivers pose serious dangers to others on the road. Federal estimates suggest that drunk driving is responsible for about one-third of all car accidents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that someone in the United States dies in a motor vehicle accident involving an alcohol-impaired driver every 51 minutes.

Ignoring Traffic Laws or Signs

Almost everyone who has driven a car has driven faster than the speed limit at some point. It can be very tempting to drive faster than you know you should, run red lights, or fail to stop completely at a stop sign when you are in a hurry. However, any of these driving behaviors can leave a driver responsible for causing an accident. Improper lane changes, failure to signal, tailgating, running red lights or stop signs, speeding, and being overly aggressive on the roads cause thousands of accidents each year. Some of these collisions are minor, but others result in serious injury or death.

Contact a Santa Clara County Personal Injury Lawyer

It is important to remember that motor vehicles are incredibly powerful machines that should be handled with caution. If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence while driving, you need an attorney who will fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced San Jose, CA car accident attorney at Fuller Law Office to get the guidance and representation you need. Call 408-234-7563 for a free consultation today.







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