79 Devine Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95110


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Can a Government Entity Be Liable for Negligence?

 Posted on January 27, 2025 in Personal Injury

San Jose, CA personal injury lawyerThe world has watched in horror as wildfires continue to devastate Southern California. Homes and businesses have been destroyed, and many lives lost. Many have claimed that Southern California Edison may have contributed to the Eaton Fires because the company apparently did not de-electrify power lines as the fire approached. Another issue with the timing of emergency alerts and evacuation orders in Altadena has prompted the question of whether a government agency could be liable for multiple deaths.

Can a government entity be held accountable for the harm caused by its negligence? Is it particularly challenging to bring claims against the government? Working with a knowledgeable San Jose, CA personal injury attorney can ensure that you meet the filing deadlines, follow protocols correctly, and get the compensation you deserve.

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Who Is Liable for Self-Driving Car Crashes?

 Posted on January 10, 2025 in Car Accident

Palo Alto, CA personal injury lawyerAutomaker Tesla had millions of its vehicles recalled in 2024, and 2025 opened with news that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is investigating another issue that involves 2.6 million Tesla vehicles. Tesla’s "Actually Smart Summon" feature allows owners to direct their vehicles through an app remotely, but four crashes have been reported associated with this Full Self-Driving technology, including one fatal accident.

Vehicles with self-driving capabilities, including driverless cars, are becoming more common. If a self-driving car causes an accident that injures you, who is responsible? An experienced Palo Alto, CA personal injury attorney can investigate your crash and help you maximize your compensation.

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What Is California’s Laura’s Law, and Do I Qualify?

 Posted on December 20, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Palo Alto, CA criminal defense lawyerMental health issues affect more people than you might realize, with impacts ranging from mild to severe. If they are left untreated, a person’s behavior can change, and an overall decline in health is common. Some people are not aware they are suffering from these issues, and a lack of financial resources can make getting proper treatment impossible. Unfortunately, undiagnosed or untreated mental conditions can contribute to criminal acts.

If you are charged with a crime, you may be eligible for assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) under Laura’s Law, and you might qualify for a diversion program. A knowledgeable San Jose, CA criminal defense lawyer can help you get the mental health treatment you need while protecting your rights.

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Deadly Duo: Drunk and Distracted Driving During the Holidays

 Posted on December 06, 2024 in Car Accident

Palo Alto, CA car accident lawyerThe winter holiday season is a time for family, coworkers, and friends to gather and celebrate. Alcohol is often served at these functions, particularly on New Year’s Eve, and intoxicated partygoers frequently decide to drive themselves home. These drivers may also use the time in their cars to mentally make their holiday lists and check them twice rather than concentrating on safe driving. Driving while drunk or distracted is dangerous, but when combined, it can be deadly.

If a distracted or drunk driver causes a car accident that injures you or your family, an experienced Palo Alto, CA lawyer from Fuller Law Firm is here to help you hold him fully accountable. Reach out today to schedule a free case review.

Alcohol and Drug Impairments

It is illegal to drive in California while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drugs do not have to be unlawful to cause impairments; some over-the-counter and prescription medications can also make driving unsafe. Impaired drivers may experience:

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Who Pays if I Was Injured in a Multiple-Vehicle Collision?

 Posted on November 21, 2024 in Car Accident

San Jose, CA personal injury lawyerCar accident claims can be challenging when only two vehicles are involved. When several cars crash in a pileup, the complexity level skyrockets. Still, you deserve compensation for your damages if you were injured in a multiple-vehicle collision.

How are fault and liability determined when several vehicles collide? Do I need a lawyer? An experienced San Jose, CA car accident attorney from Fuller Law Firm can help you get the compensation you deserve and hold all at-fault parties accountable.

Understanding Injuries in Multiple-Vehicle Crashes in California

When several vehicles are involved in a chain-reaction crash, the impacts are not simultaneous. Instead, there is a series of several individual collisions, one after another. Each impact can cause new injuries or worsen already-sustained injuries, with additional property damage following a similar course.

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A Man Injured in a Bicycle Accident 11 Years Ago Has Died

 Posted on November 07, 2024 in Personal Injury

San Jose, CA personal injury lawyerIn March 2013, a San Jose bicyclist was struck by a car, sustaining severe injuries. After being released from the hospital, he spent his remaining years in a long-term care facility until his death on October 22. The injuries he sustained 11 years ago are the presumed cause of death. If you doubt that bicycle accidents can have catastrophic consequences, this tragic case proves otherwise.

Why are bicycle accidents likely to cause severe injuries? What damages are available? A compassionate lawyer from Fuller Law Firm can help victims and their families recover the compensation they deserve.

Why Are Bicycle Accidents So Deadly?

Even if cyclists wear helmets, they have minimal protection against the impact of a car hitting them. The zone of the initial impact is likely the hips, legs, and knees, with secondary injuries potentially occurring when the cyclist is thrown onto the car’s hood or the ground. Unfortunately, some bicyclists are thrown directly into the path of a vehicle’s tires. Even at slower speeds, the injuries sustained can be life-threatening, such as:

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Who Pays If I Am Injured at an Amusement Park

 Posted on October 30, 2024 in Personal Injury

CA injury lawyerAmusement park rides and other attractions offer all-day fun for children and adults, and California has many parks. Accidents can injure patrons, leaving them wondering if they can receive compensation and who will pay. Many of these cases could give you grounds for a premises liability claim against the park’s manager or owner. However, the specific circumstances surrounding your accident could also point to other liable parties.

How do you know if you are eligible for compensation, and how do you know who should pay you? Call our knowledgeable lawyer from Fuller Law Firm to discuss your case, and let us explain your legal options.

What Kinds of Accidents Frequently Happen at Amusement Parks?

Various attractions have different risks. Common injury-producing accidents include:

  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Electrical shocks
  • Malfunctioning rides

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Do I Qualify for a California Criminal Diversion Program?

 Posted on October 10, 2024 in Criminal Defense

CA defense lawyerSometimes, poor judgment or a simple mistake can result in criminal charges. California lawmakers do not want state residents to pay too heavy a price for some crimes, offering qualifying individuals diversion programs as an alternative to other forms of punishment.

How do you know if you qualify? What types of diversion programs does California have? Your knowledgeable San Jose, CA attorney from Fuller Law Firm can discuss your options during your free consultation.

What Are Diversion Programs?

Many people charged with a misdemeanor crime are eligible for one of several state or federal diversion programs. These programs are intended to help defendants understand and correct the causes of their behaviors, making it less likely for them to be repeat offenders. California has diversion programs for:

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Can I Sue If I Am Partly at Fault for Causing a Car Crash?

 Posted on September 25, 2024 in Car Accident

Palo Alto car accident lawyerCar accidents can have multiple contributing factors, with several parties sharing the fault for causing them. If you are injured in a collision, some of the first questions you probably have are whether you can get compensation and how much your settlement might be. The answers to those questions depend on the state where your crash happened and case-specific factors.

Every state has negligence laws that govern your eligibility for compensation and potential restrictions that can affect your settlement amount. Liable insurers often try to manipulate your fault determination to lower your payout amount. When you choose a lawyer from Fuller Law Firm, we will ensure that fault is assigned accurately to help you recover the highest possible compensation.

What Is California’s Negligence Law?

California is one of only a few states that uses pure comparative negligence in personal injury cases. Under this law, you can seek compensation from other at-fault parties even if you are 99 percent responsible for causing your car crash, but there is a catch. The amount of compensation you can receive will be reduced by your percentage of fault.

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Who Is Liable for My San Jose E-Scooter Accident?

 Posted on September 11, 2024 in Car Accident

San Jose Personal Injury LawyerSince 2018, e-scooters have provided convenient transportation in San Jose. Several approved vendors in the city let you rent bikes and e-scooters, encouraging more people to utilize these micro-mobility options. Riders are prohibited from using sidewalks; instead, they must use streets and bike lanes, if available.

Sharing the roads with motor vehicles means there is a higher chance of e-scooter riders being involved in collisions. E-scooter accidents can seriously injure riders, especially if cars are traveling at higher speeds. Determining who is responsible for these collisions is often complicated, but you do not have to do it alone. Call an experienced lawyer from Fuller Law Firm for your free consultation so we can discuss your case and explain how we can help.

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